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Esther Seymour with clients

About Me

A little bit about me… well, my name is Esther Seymour and I am a Subconscious Reset Therapist using various methods including The Subconscious Reset Method and Childhood Reset Method.


Having suffered with anxiety, panic attacks and feeling not good enough for many, many years, I had tried every therapy in the book. Counselling, hypnotherapy, CBT, EFT, meditation, mindfulness, repeating mantras, even medication and anything else you could think of. None of it worked. Not long term anyway… sometimes I’d feel momentarily better in certain situations only to find I was somehow triggered again by something else and the cycle would start again.


I needed something long term, something permanent, something instant. I mean, don’t we all?


After taking myself off to a remote farm in Spain, on my own, to a yoga retreat in more effort to find out “what was wrong with me”, I came across a video on YouTube with a woman called Marisa Peer who was talking about depression. She said that most people who feel depressed, aren’t actually depressed, they’re SUPPRESSED! It was like Blackpool Illuminations in my mind as all the lightbulbs started to switch on! This woman understood me! I wasn’t depressed but I was definitely not being me! I had been so suppressed for so long, I didn’t even know who I was supposed to be anymore…

I needed to learn more, I needed to watch and absorb everything this woman said – and I am so happy I did. It led me to look deeper into subconscious therapies that literally started the chain that changed my life forever!


There are so many ways of resetting all of your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours from childhood so you can live your life from a fresh emotional slate. But you need to go deep using subconscious methods. Using subconscious methods tackles the problem at the root making it instant. Like, I mean INSTANT!  


After finding my first subconscious therapy, I went to bed with the usual weight on my shoulders, the murky cloud hanging over me and the stench of desperation (I know, paints a pretty picture…!) and I fell asleep listening to a prerecorded therapy session and fell asleep. To this day, I can’t remember what happened in that session but all I know is my life started when I woke up!


I bounced out of bed, floated down Oxford Road to work, couldn’t take the smile off my face and someone even commented that my neck looed longer (I’d been hunched up for years!). And I thought to myself, this feels great but it will wear off soon. Days passed, weeks, months and I still felt like something had been unlocked. The backpack of rocks I’d been shlepping around on my back had been emptied! I felt light and free.


I needed to know how it had happened. How can this work so quickly, last so long and have been that easy? Isn’t therapy hard and painful and ongoing??


Call it divine intervention, call it pure will or manifestation - call it whatever you like, but my whole world aligned in ways way too long to write here but within 6 months of having subconscious therapy, I was staying in London being personally trained by one of the top UK therapists along with some other wonderful trainers and I came out of it as a fully qualified Therapist and Coach.

Now, anyone can train as a therapist if they want to put in the effort but for me, this was like a calling. You can see and feel it in my sessions, when I talk to you on the phone or if I’m giving a talk. It’s a passion for me. It changed my life and I’ve gone on to help so many Men, Women and Children change their own.


People usually really do see me just once and they recommend me, they tell everyone about the experience they have with me – I’ve been told on so many occasions that I’ve changed peoples lives. But I don’t want that accolade, I want you to know that YOU are the one who will change your life – I can just show you how!

About Me: About Me
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